With many apologies to Gordon Lightfoot… And some of you who could definitely write this better Dorothy Boorse June 12, 2019 The legend lives on from the administration on down About the turtle named Dora She walked from the mud, wandered through the reeds, And became a famous explorer Chrysemys picta her name, Painted turtle the same She’d been basking and sunning all day 'Til suddenly an unstoppable urge Said, “eggs! I just need to lay!”

“I’ll cross this strip, dig a hole in the ground,
Lay those cream eggs in a nest
Walk back to the pond, and lay on a log
To take a much-needed rest”
After walking ten feet, as slow as could be
A car drove too close for comfort
Driver hopped out, picked her up and could see
Her withdrawing both head and foot

So Painted was moved in the direction she wished
The best idea for safety
And that is the tale of a reptile slow
Who is not well adapted to roadways.
Driving around, be cautious and care
To save painted turtles from squashing
It’s dangerous indeed, with a wish and a prayer,
To attempt such a dangerous crossing.